This blog will address the challenges facing institutions of higher education through a series of briefing papers prepared by Debra Townsley, Michael Townsley, and noted leaders in the field of higher education.

The Door into Academia moderators are Debra Townsley and Michael Townsley. Each bring their long experience and valued perspectives on the operation and analysis of institutions of higher education to the commentary on the challenges facing colleges and universities.

Comments on Briefing Papers are sought!

Strategic Planning

The Strategic Planning Door has briefing papers on: operations performance analysis, methods for conducting strategic planning, strategic and operational issues, and other topics.

Enrollment and Marketing

The Enrollment & Marketing Door includes briefing papers related to marketing campaigns, target analysis, performance evaluation, communications with academic departments, reports, and other topics.

Financial Strategy and Operations

The Financial Strategy & Operations Door holds briefing papers dealing with forecast models, business policies and processes, auditing, budgets, communications, financial equilibrium, and other topics.

Presidential Leadership

The Presidential Leadership Door includes briefing papers on: performance analysis, academic structures, curriculum, institutional structure and analysis, financial performance, management skills, and other topics.

Private Colleges & Universities in Crisis

The briefing papers for the Private Colleges & Universities in Crisis consider causes of a financial crisis and approaches to dealing with such a crisis.

Financial Metrics

Financial Metrics

Financial Metrics provides techniques to estimate the financial condition of a college and provide insight on where to target financial strategies.

Tips on Leadership

Tips on Leadership

Tips on Leadership features brief commentaries about leadership skills for presidents, chief administrative officers, and others aspiring to leadership positions in higher education.

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